Environmental and Economic Assessment of Nanomaterials


  • Marie Tichá ČVUT v Praze Fakulta strojní Obor ekonomie a management Karlovo náměstí 13 CZ-112 35 Praha 2
  • Miroslav Žilka ČVUT v Praze Fakulta strojní Obor ekonomie a management Karlovo náměstí 13 CZ-112 35 Praha 2
  • Barbora Stieberová ČVUT v Praze Fakulta strojní Obor ekonomie a management Karlovo náměstí 13 CZ-112 35 Praha 2
  • Miroslav Prajer ČVUT v Praze Fakulta strojní Obor ekonomie a management Karlovo náměstí 13 CZ-112 35 Praha 2
  • František Freiberg ČVUT v Praze Fakulta strojní Obor ekonomie a management Karlovo náměstí 13 CZ-112 35 Praha 2


LCA, LCC, photocatalysis, nanomaterials, self cleaning coating


This paper endeavors to present tasks and major findings from one part of an international project aimed at the development of sustainable technology for manufacturing nanomaterials through hydrothermal synthesis. The project, conducted under the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme, was led by the University of Nottingham with the participation of university teams and industrial partners from across Europe. Our team from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Czech Technical University in Prague assessed environmental and economic aspects of the new technology. This paper looks at two Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing studies that provide a basis for assessing the benefits of the new technology throughout the life cycle of the selected nanoparticle product applications. One study compares the environmental and economic impacts of a photocatalytic coating containing TiO2 nanoparticles with those of a mechanical air purifier; the second evaluates benefits of applying ZnO nanoparticles in self-cleaning coatings.


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How to Cite

Tichá, M. (2018) “Environmental and Economic Assessment of Nanomaterials”, ENTECHO, 1(1), pp. 20–25. Available at: https://entecho.cz/index.php/entecho/article/view/10-3260-entecho-2017-12-001 (Accessed: 4 December 2024).



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