Specifics of the AWARE characterization model for water footprint assessment


  • Libor Ansorge Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský T. G. Masaryka, v. v. i. Podbabská 2582/30 160 00 Praha 6
  • Tereza Beránková Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský T. G. Masaryka, v. v. i. Podbabská 2582/30 160 00 Praha 6
  • Kateřina Uhlířová Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský T. G. Masaryka, v. v. i. Podbabská 2582/30 160 00 Praha 6


Water footprint, life cycle assessment, AWARE characterization model


The Available Water Remaining (AWARE) characterization model is recommended by the WULCA (Water Use in LCA) working group as a result of a consensus among experts and stakeholders in the matter of characterization of impacts associated with the amount of water used. In the article we reviewed the principles of the method, the initial assumption and values of the characterization factors developed for easy application of the method in practice. We pointed out the problems associated with not distinguishing among various water resources and the inappropriate way of calculation the values of the characterization factor at the country level. In conclusion we opened the question of choosing reference values for the normalization of the characterization factor.


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How to Cite

Ansorge, L., Beránková, T. and Uhlířová, K. (2018) “Specifics of the AWARE characterization model for water footprint assessment”, ENTECHO, 1(1), pp. 12–15. Available at: https://entecho.cz/index.php/entecho/article/view/10-3260-entecho-2017-11-003 (Accessed: 7 March 2025).



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