Effect of activated sludge adaptation on biodegradation of antibiotics and accumulation of resistance genes
antibiotics, antibiotic resistance, activated sludge, biodegradation, PCCPsAbstract
Activated sludge in wastewater treatment plants is constantly exposed to low concentrations of antimicrobials and other drugs. This raises the question of how microorganisms approach to these substances in the sewage treatment plant. Whether they can adapt, degrade, or use antibiotics as a substrate in this environment or the activated sludge neglects these substances.
To assess the adaptation of activated sludge, the PCR method for monitoring antibiotic resistance genes and biodegradability tests were used. These tests were carried out with activated sludge from WWTP and sludge adapted in laboratory SBR models at 500 ng∙l−1 and 500 μg∙l−1 of chosen antibiotics. Their biodegradability was assessed according to ČSN ISO 14593. The tested substances were monitored by group determination of total inorganic carbon. The chosen substances were: benzylpenicillin, ampicillin, streptomycin, erythromycin, chloramphenicol, sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim.
Activated sludge had no developed activity for biodegradation of tested antibiotics. It is likely that the high load of readily biodegradable substrate and the short retention of the wastewater at the WWTP lead to the activated sludge not being forced to actively utilize these substances and will only prevent from them by forming defence mechanisms using antibiotic resistance genes. Low concentrations of antibiotics in SBR models produced selective pressure on microorganisms and stimulated the spread of antibiotic resistance genes.
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